音楽:Dazzle Ships を ネットで探す

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Dazzle Ships


1. Radio Prague (2008 Digital Remaster)
2. Genetic Engineering (2008 Digital Remaster)
3. ABC Auto-Industry (2008 Digital Remaster)
4. Telegraph (2008 Digital Remaster)
5. This Is Helena (2008 Digital Remaster)
6. International (2008 Digital Remaster)
7. Dazzle Ships (Parts II, III And VII) (2008 Digital Remaster)
8. The Romance Of The Telescope (2008 Digital Remaster)
9. Silent Running (2008 Digital Remaster)
10. Radio Waves (2008 Digital Remaster)
11. Time Zones (2008 Digital Remaster)
12. Of All The Things We've Made (2008 Digital Remaster)
13. Telegraph (The Manor Version 1981)
14. 4-Neu (2008 Digital Remaster)
15. Genetic Engineering (312MM Version)
16. 66 And Fading (2008 Digital Remaster)
17. Telegraph (Extended Version) (2008 Digital Remaster)
18. Swiss Radio International


Album Details
Long awaited digitally remastered and expanded edition of the Synth duo's 1983 album featuring six bonus tracks. Dazzle Ships was OMD's fourth album overall and the follow-up to their massively successful Architecture and Morality album, The highly-experimental Dazzle Ships differed from their previous releases by exploring the use of digital sampling keyboards. Though not a commercial triumph when it was originally released, it is now considered one of their finest musical moments. 18 tracks including the singles 'Genetic Engineering' and 'Telegraph'. EMI.


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Dazzle Ships
↑↑↑↑Dazzle Ships↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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